Due to inclement weather, all locations of the Fort Smith Public Library will be closed on Tuesday, February 18.

All library locations will be closed February 17th for Presidents' Day.

Join us for STORYTIME!

Join us for STORYTIME!

Join us for Friday storytimes at 10:00 a.m. at the Miller Branch!  Mrs. Melanie has been teaching children since 1985 and has been leading the Friday storytime at the Miller Branch since 2014.  Children that have attended her storytimes over the years have adored her sweet manner, fun stories, and creative crafts – she always has a fun and interactive storytime to share! 


We thought it would be fun for Mrs. Melanie to answer a few questions for us:

What is your favorite children’s book? 

Mrs. Melanie: “My favorite children’s book of all time is Charlotte’s Web”

What is your favorite storytime book?

Mrs. Melanie: “That’s such a hard question!  I love anything by Eric Carle – his books are so bright and colorful!”

What is your favorite part of storytime?

Mrs. Melanie: "I love seeing the faces of the children and how they respond to the stories and songs."

What would you like to tell parents?

Mrs. Melanie: "Children are never too young to start coming to storytime.  Do not worry if they cannot sit still.  Even if they only listen to just one story, that's a win!  We just want them in the library."

Anything else you would like to add?

Mrs. Melanie: "Teaching preschoolers has always been my passion.  I love having storytime and seeing the kids.  It's my thing!"


See you on Fridays at 10:00 AM!