Read to a Therapy Dog!

Read to a Therapy Dog!

There are numerous organizations that offer children the opportunity to read to a therapy dog in schools, libraries, and other settings.  The Miller Branch of the Fort Smith Public Library is excited to welcome Gunner the Therapy Dog on Friday, January 31 from 3:30-4:30 PM.  Gunner will be accompanied by his handler Susan Kelly, and he loves being read to!  School age children are encouraged to come and read a story him.  We hope you'll join us!

A dog’s role as “man’s best friend” has evolved throughout the years.  They have been herders, hunters, rescuers, and emotional support givers.  Now, registered therapy dogs are given the opportunity to be educators, by helping young children practice reading.  When children who lack confidence in reading, read to canines, they are shown unconditional affection and acceptance.  That reassurance helps build more confidence in a young reader.  Even if the child doesn’t want to read out loud at first, they can be encouraged to describe the book’s pictures to the dog.  Discussing and reading a book to a gentle dog is a wonderful way to instill a love of reading into a child.

Research shows the benefits of children reading to therapy dogs.  The University of California – Davis Veterinary Medicine Extension held a 2010 study that determined students felt safe when reading to a dog, helping them to gain confidence in their reading skills and to simply enjoy reading more.  The article “Children Reading to Dogs” by Sophie Susannah Hall concluded that “reading to a dog may have a beneficial effect on a number of behavioral processes which contribute to a positive effect on the environment in which reading is practiced, leading to improved reading performance.”

Don't miss our Therapy Dog Storytime with Gunner on Friday, January 31, from 3:30 - 4:30 PM at the Miller Branch Library!