1st Choice Pregnancy Medical Center
Address:4622 Grand Avenue
Fort Smith, AR 72904
United States
Pregnancy testing, counseling, education, support, and referrals.
3201 Rogers Avenue
Fort Smith, AR 72903
United States
8100 Dallas Street
Fort Smith, AR 72903
United States
8701 South 28th Street
Fort Smith, AR 72908
United States
4701 Windsor Drive
Fort Smith, AR 72904
United States
4622 Grand Avenue
Fort Smith, AR 72904
United States
Pregnancy testing, counseling, education, support, and referrals.
Rehabilitation support groups for children, teens, family, and friends of alcoholics
1209 North B Street
Fort Smith, AR 72901
United States
Helps alcoholics achieve and maintain sobriety.
1122 North 11th Street
Fort Smith, AR 72902
United States
Food pantry and youth development services in the greater Fort Smith area.
Information, resources, and links to legal assistance.
In partnership with the University of Arkansas – Fort Smith and the Fort Smith Regional Chamber of Commerce, Career Ready Fort Smith is a resource for those located within Sebastian, Crawford, and Franklin County, AR, as well as Le Flore and Sequoyah County, OK.
Our career portal will connect you to positions located throughout our region. If you’re currently employed or relocating and looking for opportunity, interested in returning to work or making your first jump into a career – the career portal will connect you. Search below to see what is available.
3428 Armour Street
Fort Smith, AR 72914
United States
Provides basic dental services to low income families who live in Crawford or Sebastian counties.
301 North F Street
Fort Smith, AR 72901
United States
Faith-based organization providing safe shelter, meals, and support for men, women, and families.
4420 Wheeler Avenue
Fort Smith, AR 72902
United States
Offers food pantry, Backpacks for Kids program, and other services for individuals facing emergency situations.
1617 South Zero Street
Fort Smith, AR 72901
United States
Improves the lives and encourages self-sufficiency of low-income individuals and families through services such as utility assistance, weatherization, home ownership, regional food bank, and dental clinic.
501 South 20th Street
Fort Smith, AR 72901
United States
Offers a wide range of classes that are available to area residents 18 and over. Flexible class schedules including day and evening sessions to meet the unique needs of adult learners.
5603 South 14th Street
Fort Smith, AR 72901
United States
End domestic violence and sexual assault through services, education and prevention programs to empower women, men, and children to live free of fear and harm.
Help compulsive gamblers stop gambling and assist others who want to stop gambling.
1400 S. Zero Street
Fort Smith, AR 72901
United States
Offers affordable medical care, x-rays, and lab services to the uninsured and underinsured.
417 South 16th Street
Fort Smith, AR 72901
United States
Faith-based ministry assisting women, men, and families who are experiencing or have experienced a crisis pregnancy.
301 South E Street
Fort Smith, AR 72901
United States
Meals, shelter, and services such as shower facilities, hygiene assistance, medical care, counseling, veterans' services, and education for homeless and low-income individuals.
300 South 11th
Fort Smith, AR 72901
United States
Helps adults gain basic skills in reading, writing, and math. Also offers English as a Second Language and citizenship classes.
Fellowship and support for family and friends of addicts.
Fellowship of recovering addicts who meet regularly to help each other stay clean.
Project Concern is a water utilities assistance program established by the City of Fort Smith to provide relief to low‐income customers who use water services solely for residential purposes.
1617 South Zero Street
Fort Smith, AR 72918
United States
Distributes food from local and national producers and grocers to nearly 190 partner agencies.
301 North 6th Street
Fort Smith, AR 72901
United States
Offers shelter and needs assistance through their mission to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ.
A fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other so that they may overcome their sexual addiction and help others recover from sexual addiction or dependency.
717 North 4th Street
Fort Smith, AR 72901
United States
The Hope Chest is a non-profit organization that provides clothing and household items to people in need.
123 North 6th Street
Suite 200
Fort Smith, AR 72901
United States
Day shelter offering hot meals, individual case management, job counseling, psychological assessment, life skills training, bicycle rental, telephone and messaging access, mail service, budgeting classes, anger management classes, and housing search assistance.